What are the Benefits of a Site Visit from a Trained Technician?

If you are considering buying and installing fire safety systems, security systems, or completing a risk assessment for fire safety or electrical compliance, it is always a good idea to consider if you are the best person for the job before embarking on these tasks. Although you may have the skillset to complete these tasks, from a compliance perspective, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to legal responsibilities such as fire safety.

At FireCare, we encourage businesses and organisations across the South Coast to educate themselves about fire safety, security, and electrical safety either through our range of courses or by reading our guides and advice, but if you are a busy business owner, head teacher, department head or property owner, you might not have the time to confidently complete these tasks yourself.

Booking a site visit from a trained technician like our group of professionals at FireCare is an excellent way to give you peace of mind that you have taken steps to protect your staff and property, safeguarding the future of your business.

What is a ‘Responsible Person’?

Legally, documents such as fire risk assessments and electrical safety risk assessments must be completed by a ‘responsible person’ in order to be compliant with health and safety legislation. A responsible person is recognised as an employer, property owner, landlord, occupier or similar, who has the experience, skills and knowledge of fire or electrical safety and can competently identify hazards and know how to reduce, remove, or mitigate them. Failure to complete a proper risk assessment not only puts your staff and property in danger, but could result in heavy fines and even imprisonment.

If you are the responsible person but don’t feel confident identifying hazards and mitigating the risk of fire in your building, you’re in luck! At FireCare, we have an entire team of fully trained, experienced risk assessors to take this task off of your hands.

What are the Benefits of Choosing a Professional Fire Safety, Security & Electrical Consultant?

When your schedule is packed and you don’t have time to survey your premises for fire or electrical hazards, choosing a professional consultant like FireCare is a convenient option which helps to keep you compliant. A professional risk assessment will not only highlight potential risks, but our team will help you put together a roadmap of actions to eliminate or reduce these risks, including fire evacuation plans, fire detection systems, signage, and training. With this knowledge, you can then choose your own suppliers to fulfil these recommendations, or utilise the comprehensive fire safety or electrical services which FireCare provide.

About FireCare Security & Electrical

At FireCare, we provide pragmatic, comprehensive fire safety, security and electrical services to businesses throughout Hampshire, Dorset, Surrey and London.  We will keep you compliant, without causing you inconvenience. To arrange a visit from one of our trained technicians, complete our contact form, or email [email protected].